You can and you will, if I have anything to do with it.

Do you enjoy concepts that are explained to you? With context and examples? So you can imagine in your mind’s eye new pieces of information or insights, and how it relates to you and your life, for it to stick? That’s what you’ll get on the Midlifestyle School podcast.

Right now, I’m going all in on sharing why past efforts to lose weight haven’t worked — and how you can change your life with understanding theory and practice about psychology of the brain, neurodevelopmental challenges, emotional dysregulation, and hormonal shifts in menopause. Because once you have that down pat — your second half of life will be your best half!

Previous Episodes of Midlifestyle School.

Gain a New Perspective on Weight Loss in Midlife

Get The 4-Step Root Cause workbook and my daily Midlifestyle School Essay. Midlife women are changing their life with theory and practice about psychology of the brain, neurodevelopmental challenges, and emotional dysregulation — getting relatable insights that challenge unhelpful beliefs and uncover the truth behind your weight struggles. Join 100’s+ others — unsubscribe anytime.